Gemplus Sim Card Reader

The Gemplus ExpressCard Smart Card Reader from Lenovo offers an ideal interface between a portable computer and a smart card, to control access to databases or corporate computer networks. A smart card is a plastic card that contains personal information. The package provides the installation files for Gemalto USB Smart Card Reader Driver version If the driver is already installed on your system, updating (overwrite-installing) may fix.


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CardGemplus Sim Card Reader

Gemplus and Sonera SmartTrust announced this morning they will enter the market with a 'GSM SIM' card, featuring digital signature and Public Key encryption. This is enabled by Sonera SmartTrust technology embedded in the Gemplus SIM card. Mobile operators using this technology with advanced SIM cards will be able to offer their customers a whole new set of secure wireless e-commerce. Gemalto GemCore SIM Pro Smart Card Reader Gemalto GemPC Express Gemalto Gemplus USB SmartCard Reader 433-Swap Gemalto Hybrid Smartcard Reader Gemalto IDBridge K3000.

A Subscriber Identity Module card (SIM) copier is an electronic device that reads information stored on your cell phone SIM card. The information may either be stored on the device for future use, or used immediately to transfer phonebook contacts and saved data from one SIM to another. Some SIM copiers work with only 2G cards, while others work with both 2G and 3G.

A SIM card may hold all personal contact information stored on a cell phone. When a new phone is purchased, a SIM copier can be used to transfer all contact information from the old SIM to the new one. As a backup tool, a SIM copier may be able to store this information in case of accidental damage or loss of the SIM or phone.

While some SIM copiers store data on the machine, others transfer information to a personal computer (PC). A PC SIM copier may require a USB connection to the computer. The copier acts as a portal through which information is passed from SIM card to software installed on the PC.

Gemplus driver

If information must be copied to a new SIM, the USB is reinserted with a new SIM in place, and contacts are moved from PC to SIM. If information is stored directly on the copying device, any damage to that device may cause loss of information. When information is moved to the PC, it can often be edited before copying to the new card.

Gemplus Sim Card Reader

In some cases, a SIM copier can be used to create a SIM clone. Clones are exact copies of the original SIM that can be used in a separate phone. In order to copy the encrypted information from one SIM to another, a SIM copier and clone software may be needed. Clone software attempts to read International Mobile Subscriber Identifier (IMSI) and Authentication Key (Ki) from the SIM card. Once read, the information can be used to mold a second SIM to mirror the first.

Gemplus Sim Card Reader App

SIM copiers vary in size. The smallest are often the size of a keychain, — just large enough to fit the card into a reader. Larger, handheld models are also available. SIM copiers are frequently used by cell phone providers when customers change phones. They are used to move old data from one SIM to another, as a convenience to the customer. Businesses may also use SIM copiers to store contact information from a business phone that may be important.