Sunday 2020-11-29 23:20:42 pm: P90x Diet Recipes Phase 1 P90x Diet Recipes Phase 1 List-Of-Exercises-For-Kids. P90X-Nutrition-Phase 1 Shopping List Monday, April 25, 2011. P90X Nutrition Plan: Phase I - Fat Shredder. Shopping List - Revise this list with the foods you regularly eat. Serving = 120 cal. Olive oil – 1 tbsp. Canola oil – 1 tbsp. Flaxseed oil – 1 tbsp. P90X Week 4 and The Start of Phase 2 - Week 1. Week 4 wrapped up Phase 1 for me, and I am pretty amazed I made it through! To be honest, I hated week 4 the most! I had to do yoga twice, which I did not like at all! It also introduced me to Core Synergistics which I loved! Phase 1 was a fun phase! But I am ready to be on Phase 2.
Apr 23, 2010 Phase 1 in the P90x Nutrition Plan is the “Fat Shredder” phase that should be followed in days 1-28 of the program. It is a high protein based diet that is designed to help strengthen muscle while rapidly shedding fat from your body. The amount of time you spend in Phase 1 depends on the individual.
P90X Shopping List
Getting started on nutrition in P90X can be a little overwhelming. There is a lot of information to take in and nothing else you do in your program will have as much of an impact on your results as proper nutrition. If you are new to teamRIPPED, I would suggest that you head over to the Nutrition All-In-One. This is the main collection of all things nutrition on teamRIPPED. Spending time reading these posts and getting as much knowledge as possible is time well spent. Three very helpful links to start with would be: Dialing it In, The Nutrition Guide, and Round 1 Nutrition. You can also find examples of my meal plans too.
A question I get a lot is, “what do I buy at the store? Do you have a P90X shopping list?” Your P90X shopping list will vary a little bit based on your preferences and where you live, but there is a general list you can start with. That being said, all of these foods need to be tracked in your day. You need to be recording how much of each item you eat and how that works against your budgets. It can get a little tricky at times with foods that are made up of more than one macro-nutrient so that is why you track. Use and log your food! Play around plugging in food and find the right mix to hit all your budgets and not go over your calorie goal.

*P90X does come with a good shopping list. The P90X shopping list is a safe place to start, but my list will be what I have food useful.
Coach Wayne’s P90X Shopping List
Protein (first on the list because next to overall calories, protein is what is going to help you the most in losing fat):
- Tuna (in water)
- Salmon (take into account its fat)
- Cottage cheese (fat free or 1%)
- Eggs (especially the whites)
- Boneless skinless chicken breast (frozen or fresh)
- Turkey OR chicken breast lunch meat
- Turkey jerky
- Lean beef
- Beef jerky
- Low fat or no fat cheese.
- Low fat pork
- Whey protein powder
- Vegan protein powders
- Sweet potatoes
- Oatmeal, cheerios
- Brown rice
- Wheat bread
- Beans – black, garbanzo, kidney
- Lentils
- Quinoa
- Low-fat popcorn (air popped is even better!)
- Fruits (Fresh or frozen, but watch your sugar! I stuck to one apple a day while losing fat)
- Vegetables – fresh or frozen. Try green beans, broccoli, asparagus, squash, cauliflower, spinach, etc. Green and fibrous is best.
P90x Food List Phase 1 Atkins
- Omega 3 capsules (fish oil capsules)
- Flax seed oil
- Olive oil (limit and be careful)
- Nuts
- Peanut butter (natural or PB2)
- Egg yolks
- Fish (salmon especially)
Supplements & Extras:
- Shakeology (Protein and a little carbs. Counts towards fruits and veggies.)
- Pure Protein Bars: Chocolate Deluxe (Protein and carbs mainly)
- Results and Recovery (CARBS! Use it when you earn it.)
- BCAAs (Can count towards protein: Read more here.)
- Creatine (plain creatine monohydrate can even be found at WalMart, should be calorie free)
- Zero Calorie Flavor packets for water (better than soda, nice to use to transition to all water.)
- Sugar Free Jello (treat, good for satisfying a little sweet tooth. Moderation.)
- Condiments (See HERE for more info)
That should give you a good place to start with your own P90X shopping list. If you have other favorites, make sure you track them and that you have the budgets of whatever macro-nutrient is needed to enjoy your food. These are all safe foods to start with and are primarily made up of one macro-nutrient. That makes it a little easier to plan. To see how these go into a day, check out my 1900 Calorie Meal Plan. Much on my P90X shopping list is covered in my nutrition and supplementation video too.
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P90x Food List Phase 1 Diet
IG: @wayne_wyatt