Rebirth Rb 338 Torrent

Propellerheads Software has released ReBirth for free! You can download this program at the ReBirth Museum, a website setup to illustrate the history, community and development of ReBirth. It looks like Propellerheads will be focusing on Reason now.

Mount or burn the rebirth iso INSTALLATION: copy the contents of the iso to a folder on your hard drive extract 'ReBirth RB-338 2.0.1 Installer' into the same folder double click 'ReBirth RB-338 2.0.1 Installer' to install rebirth AFTER INSTALLING: if it crashes after benchmark test, double click.

On September 1, 2005, Propellerhead Software announced that the era or ReBirth had come to an end and create the Rebirth Museum to commemorate its history. Visitors are welcome to tour the website, learn about it’s developers and community, and take home a special memento: ReBirth RB 338- itself!

Rebirth Rb 338 Download

Rebirth Rb 338 Torrent
  • It used to exist but Roland got a little twitchy about it. Didn't matter back in the day, but software versions of popular hardware are big business now. I did a whole record on Rebirth on the iPad when it came back out, nevermind tons of stuff with the original on early Pentiums and 6x86s back in the day.
  • ReBirth RB-338 pioneered a new era of music instrumentation that merged the principles of 'virtual reality' with historic synthesizers and drum machines. Introduced in 1997, ReBirth is a software emulation of classic Roland devices: the TB-303 Bass Line synthesizer and the TR-808 and TR-909 Rhythm Composers.

You will have to register for the site to get to the download page. When this program was initially offered for download, the servers where crawling to a halt because of all the traffic. A day later there was torrent files uploaded and these are the official ones from Propellerhead.

UPDATE: The torrent links no longer work, get to the site!

Make sure to login and check out the mods for Rebirth, there are plenty of cool ones to download with different sounds and skins! At the moment, my favorite is the Red Stripe mod. I’m probably bias though because it’s one of my favorite beers. Speaking of…

Rebirth Rb 338 Version 2.0.1

/off to get some Red Stripe…