Sharepoint 2013 Upgrade Blocked

  1. Sharepoint 2013 Upgrade Blocked
  2. Sharepoint 2013 Upgrade Available

Upgrading My Sites from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 can be a challenge and some of the information found on the Microsoft site can be a little misleading.

Per my test, I cannot open the exiting file after add the file extension in the Blocked File Types list. Try to clear the browser cache and check again. Then go to Central Administration-Security-Define Blocked File Types, add the file type in the list and check again. Upgrading SharePoint 2013 To: SharePoint 2013 SP1 40. Install SharePoint 2013 service-pack 1 on all servers. Install SharePoint 2013 Language pack service pack 1 on all servers 3. Complete the upgrade with psconfig/config-wizard to complete on all servers 4. Install Windows 2012 R2 on all servers Alternative 1: 41.

I have put together a few steps that worked for me. The process includes upgrading the Managed Metadata and User Profile Service Applications along with the My Sites content databases.

Disclaimer: This posting is provided “AS IS” with no warranties. Please carry out the tasks below in your Development environment first. I suggest using Hyper V to take a snapshot of your farm first including the SQL Server before carrying out the upgrade.

Microsoft links to refer to

Upgrade My Sites:
Upgrade Service Apps:

The upgrade process is as follows

Step 1: Copy and restore the following databases from SharePoint 2010 SQL Server to your SharePoint 2013 SQL Server.

– ProfileDB
– SocialDB
– SyncDB
– MetadataDB
– WSS_Content_MySites

The WSS_Content_MySites is the database that holds all the My Sites in my SharePoint 2010 environment. The project I was working on had their My Sites and SharePoint Sites all in the one database so I had to use the Move-SPSite powershell command to move the sites to a dedicated WSS_Content_MySites database for My sites.


Step 2: Upgrade the Managed Metadata Service Application, but first delete the existing Managed Metadata Service Application and User Profile Service Application in your SharePoint 2013 environment (if it exists), but ensure that both the Managed Metadata Service and the User Profile Service (not synchronization service) are started on the Application Server.


I have a Service Application Pool that I use for most of my Service Applications. If you want to create a separate service application pools for the Managed Metadata Service Application, then please make changes to the commands below to suit your needs.

On your Application Server, log in with your Setup account, open a Powershell command window in Administrator mode and run the following commands:

Get-SPServiceApplicationPool |ft name

$applicationPool = Get-SPServiceApplicationPool -Identity 'Service Application Pool Account'

$mms = New-SPMetadataServiceApplication -Name 'Managed Metadata Service Application' -ApplicationPool $applicationPool -DatabaseName 'MetadataDB'

New-SPMetadataServiceApplicationProxy -Name ‘Managed Metadata Service Application’ -ServiceApplication $mms –DefaultProxyGroup

IISReset /noforce

The above Powershell commands will create a new Managed Metadata Service and upgrade the MetadataDB database.

Now, delete this new Managed Metadata Service Application by selecting it under Service Applicatons in Central Administration and clicking the Delete button at the top of the page. DO NOT check the box to delete the upgraded database. We need this so leave the database as is, only delete the service application.

After you have deleted the service application, re-create it, but this time via Central Administration and in the Database box, give it a database name like MetadataDBRemoveMe for example.

Once the service application is created, we need to change the database and make sure that it uses the upgraded database. So, run the powershell command below to do this:

Set-SPMetadataServiceApplication -Identity 'Managed Metadata Service Application' -DatabaseName MetadataDB

Then run IISReset /NoForce

Possible error: “The managed Metadata Service or Connection is currently not available. The Application Pool or Managed Metadata Web Service may not have been started. Please Contact your Administrator.”

Database attach upgrade sharepoint 2013

Possible solution: Give the Service Application Pool Account DBOwner rights to the upgraded Metadata database in SQL Server. Also give the service application pool full control permissions to the Service Application in Central Administration.

Make sure there are no errors when you click the Managed Metadata Service Application under Service Applications in Central Administration. It is important that there are no errors, do not proceed to the next step if there are errors.


Step 3: Create a new My Site Web Application in Classic mode.

New-SPWebApplication -Name 'MySite WebApp' -ApplicationPool 'MySiteAppPool' -AuthenticationMethod 'Kerberos' -ApplicationPoolAccount (Get-SPManagedAccount 'Contososvc-sp2013DevAppPool') -Port 80 -URL '' -HostHeader '' -DatabaseName WSS_Content_MySitesRemoveMe

Do not create the My Site Host site collection after creating the Web Application above.

Create a new My Sites User Policy (See Technet documentation regarding creation My Sites for SharePoint 2013 for details)

Don’t try to configure Self-Service site creation as there is no root site collection.

Step 4: Create a new User Profile Service Application.

Run the following Powershell scripts in Administrator mode as you did above:

Get-SPServiceApplicationPool |ft name

$applicationPool = Get-SPServiceApplicationPool -Identity 'Service Application Pool Account'

$upa = New-SPProfileServiceApplication -Name 'User Profile Service Application' -ApplicationPool $applicationPool -ProfileDBName 'ProfileDB' -SocialDBName 'SocialDB' -ProfileSyncDBName 'SyncDB'

New-SPProfileServiceApplicationProxy -Name ‘User Profile Service Application’ -ServiceApplication $upa -DefaultProxyGroup

IISReset /noforce

Next, delete this newly created User Profile Service Application, but do not check the box to delete the database too. We need these upgraded databases so leave them intact.

Create a new User Profile Service Application but for the database names, enter the name for the upgraded databases instead.

Once the new User Profile Service Application is created, select it under Central Administration > Service Applications > click the Administrators tab and add the FARM account and Service Application Pool account.

Also add the FARM account to the local Administrators group on the Application server that will run the User Profile Synchronization Service.

Start the Synchronization service on the Application Server, it will ask you to enter the FARM account password, enter it and wait. This will take some time, it needs to start the ForeFront Identity Manager Service and ForeFront Identity Synchronization Service. So be patient, minimum 10 minutes.

Step 5: Once the Synchronisation Service starts successfully, you need to upgrade the My Sites web application by testing and mounting the restored database from SharePoint 2010. You then need to convert it to Claims authentication.

Make sure you have copied the My Sites Content database across to your new SQL Server and restored it. Ensure that the Setup account has DBOwner rights on the database.

Remove the default database from the My Sites Web Application via Central Administration first.

Then run the following Powershell command to test the restored database with the My Sites Web Application.

Test-SPContentDatabase -name WSS_Content_MySites -webapplication

Make sure there are no errors and that they do not block the upgrade of the database.

Then run a Mount-SPContent Database like below:

Mount-SPContentDatabase 'WSS_Content_MySites' -WebApplication “”

The upgrade should complete successfully.

Next convert the My Sites Web Application to Claims by running the following command:

Convert-SPWebApplication -Identity '' -To Claims -RetainPermissions -Force

You now need to create the My Sites host for the My Sites Web Application. So, in Central Administration, create a new Site Collection for the My Sites Web Application and select the My Sites template under Enterprise. Also, make sure that you have selected the root of the web application – ‘/’.

Step 6:

Configure Staff profile photo by editing the Manage User Properties, select Picture and then edit, add a new mapping and select thumbnail photo

Under Central Administration > Service Applications > User Profile Service Application, click ‘Setup My Sites’ and add the My Site Host Location.

Start full profile sync and make sure it completes with no errors.

Once the user synchronization has finished, open the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell as the Farm account svc-SP2013DevFarm and run the following command

$mySitesUrl=”” (Enter)
$mySitesHost=Get-SPSite –Identity $mySitesUrl (Enter)
Update-SPProfilePhotoStore –MySiteHostLocation $mySitesHost –CreateThumbnailsForImportedPhotos $true (Enter)

This completes the upgrade of My Sites from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013. Go to your SharePoint 2013 site and click the Newsfeed link at the top of the page. This will start the process of provisioning a new My Site for your account. Once done, you should receive an email from your SharePoint Farm notifying you of the set up. You will then find all your old files on your SkyDrive page.

If you have any questions or need help with your upgrade, post a message below and I will be happy to assist.



Derek Halstead is a SharePoint consultant as well as the founder and principal of and He has 16 years of experience in the IT industry, with over ten years focused on Microsoft SharePoint. He can be reached by using the Contact Me link in the top menu.

There really is nothing like Microsoft SharePoint. The latest release, SharePoint 2013, introduces investments in cross-platform technologies such as HTML5, JavaScript, REST API and OAuth, as well as the features users already know and love. As attractive as the collaboration platform might be, however, an upgrade does require considerable thought and planning. Here are six suggestions to help your transition go smoothly.

Use claims-based authentication.

Sharepoint 2013 Upgrade Blocked

With the advent of SharePoint 2010, Microsoft launched the Managed Services Architecture that supports Office 365. It can be argued that everyone is moving toward the cloud; some just haven't started their journey yet. During the upgrade process, seriously consider using Office 365 instead of on-premises SharePoint.

Organizations opting for on-premises SharePoint should still invest in best practices that make them cloud-ready. Traditional Active Directory–based forests will not scale to an Internet readiness method, making claims-based authentication the only practical choice going forward. Claims-based authentication allows users or systems to authenticate themselves via untamperable attributes or claims about themselves. As a result, these identities are much more flexible, cloud-ready and more secure than traditional password-based approaches.

Migrate SharePoint 2010 to claims now because a number of things won't work in SharePoint 2013 without it. Also, get SharePoint 2010 environments to at least Service Pack 2 or later to prepare for an upgrade.

Adopt the apps model.

Apps are independent bits of software that specialize in a unique task and work under a well-defined set of permissions granted by the user. With SharePoint 2013, Microsoft brings apps to the enterprise. Apps ease support and offer a cross-platform, future-proof development system. Going forward, invest in apps and write a solutions package only if achieving the same functionality from an app is impossible. During the upgrade process, consider converting custom code to apps whenever possible. However, while they aren't the preferred mechanism for customization, solutions packages will still work in SharePoint 2013.

Avoid big-bang upgrades.

With SharePoint 2013, the backward- compatibility model actually works — a SharePoint 2010 site works just fine on a SharePoint 2013 farm. This is a welcome improvement because nobody wants their phone ringing off the hook the Monday after an upgrade with users who are confused by a completely new interface. Site collection administrators can choose to upgrade and experiment with an evaluation site before rolling out the software to users. Additionally, there are queues and throttles built in to the upgrade process that allow IT administrators to manage the entire transition.

Retire old artifacts.


Percentage of organizations using some form of enterprise content management alongside SharePoint

SOURCE: “AIIM Industy Watch: The SharePoint Puzzle' (AIIM, July 2012)

Over time, users and departments tend to collect data that may not be relevant — or at least are less relevant. A good disposition strategy is just as important as content capture and maintenance. Disposing of just 10 percent of content and functionality every year will save 41 percent in storage space over five years. That doesn't take into account the productivity gained from being able to find relevant information more easily. Use an upgrade as an opportunity to clean house. Retire old site collections, code snippets and third-party tools that are no longer in use. Consider replacing them when out-of-the-box functionality obviates their usefulness.

Consider search and social features.

Microsoft has fully integrated FAST search in SharePoint 2013 and has completely retired full text indexing search. Several features have been rebooted as a result. Web content management and social both deserve a special look. SharePoint 2013 web content management is quite compelling from a search engine optimization, maintenance and cost and licensing perspective. Social has been rearchitected internally for scale and offers numerous features users will love. When upgrading, consider what avenues open to the organization with search, and every feature that search affects. When upgrading social, upgrade the 'My Site' host first, then gradually migrate the underlying 'My Sites' and roll them into the search-based social features.

Settle in after an upgrade.

In some ways, SharePoint 2013 is fundamentally different from SharePoint 2010. The apps model requires consideration with regard to security, navigation and user interface. Discoverability of content in the new platform will require IT professionals to think beyond the classic navigation and organization and more toward search and surfacing the right content at the right places.

Whereas SharePoint 2010 allowed administrators to check things only at a content database level, with 2013 they can perform health checks at a site collection level. Those checks are extensible and produce log files that can be reviewed.

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Sharepoint 2013 Upgrade Available

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